Whoo Hoo..

Thanks for that Eric. I am working on a project which apparently needs  
just that.. Do you want feedback?

Have a good holiday Robert.

Kind regards,

On Jan 30, 2008, at 8:21 AM, E. Wing wrote:

> This package will let you cross compile for 10.4 or 10.5 using the SDK
> feature in Xcode 3. This makes it easier to build programs targeting
> 10.4 or 10.5 without having to remove/replace your regular frameworks
> each time.
> I've been sitting on this awhile. I've been hoping to clean up the
> documentation, but haven't gotten back to it. So I figured it would be
> better to post it and let people try it. Feedback welcome.
> You can find the package at:
> http://www.openscenegraph.org/files/OpenSceneGraph-2.2.0/OpenSceneGraph-2.2.0_CrossCompileSDKs.dmg
> It is just the stubs. No runtime is included. If you want to run
> something, you still need the regular frameworks.
> Robert, could you add a link to the downloads page with the  
> description:
> Mac OS X Cross-Compile SDKs (stubs-only)
> Thanks,
> Eric
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