Hello, I work in a Spanish research group that mainly works on mobile
robotics and I am going to use OSG 2.2 to build an application (simulator of
multi-robot collaborative perception) that has a main view that the user
interact with, and a dynamic number of secondary views (one camera each)
that render to a file, usually much lower frame rate that the main view, to
simulate virtual cameras whose images are the used to feed the algorithms
of collaborative  perception. I  am quite new to OSG, and after learning a
bit I think that may at way to achieve this is using a composite viewer with
a view as the main one and adding others with their respective camera set to
render to a off screen pixel buffer, images attached to these cameras and
post draw callbacks that send a copy of these images where they are needed.
Many questions have arisen, to start with  is the approach of using  a
composite viewer wrong?, how can I achieve  different frame rates with the
different views?. I had the idea of modifying  the "renderingTraversals()"
method of the viewer base class in order to accept as a parameter a
std::vector<int> that contained the indexes of the desired cameras to render
in the internal  vector that holds all the cameras, but with the threading
model that its in use (really nice actually) this is just not that simple.
Can any one help me with ideas on how to achieve my goal? Thanks a lot in

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