I heard that Presagis got rid of all the Terrex engineers about a month
ago. If it's true then I'd doubt Presagis would put any effort into an OSG


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -----

To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
From: "Robert Osfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02/18/2008 06:00AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] LOD problems using OSG with TerraPage

Hi Kiff,

I can't really provide a good answer as there is way too little info
about the problem for me to get the bottom of it remotely, one really
needs the database and the an animation path that reproduces the
problem, then one can start digging in to it.  It might be a database
set up problem, it might be a bug in the OSG's TXP plugin, it might
simply be an artefact of the way that the TXP plugin has to manage
LOD's to ensure that no cracks between adjacent tiles appear.

There is a chance that Terrax engineers have seen this problem and
know of a solution.  Terrex do have an update to the OSG's Terrex
plugin that is awaiting completion and  approval for release, but this
has been the state of play for over six months I'm still awaiting
source code from them...  Whether this update will fix you problem or
not I have no idea, but it would be worth contact them about it.


On Feb 18, 2008 1:08 AM, Kiff Loh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using OSG viewer to see a txp terrain generated by Terra Vista. I
> have 10m and 1m imagery, with multiple LODs.
> I noticed that when I'm doing low level flying using OSG viewer, my most
> detailed LOD sometimes switches to the 2nd LOD. I'm flying just above
> the terrain, so it is quite impossible that the 2nd distances switched
> in.
> I've tried 3 LOD (10m) with high resolution insets (1m), 3 LOD (10m)
> with 6 LOD AOI (1m), and I noticed the problem pops most of the time
> when I generate the database. I've tried shifting the 2nd LOD to 50,000m
> to avoid the problem, but it still appears.
> Please help.
> 777
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