Hi, Ulrich.

       This is what I've said in my first email:
       "I am currently trying to implement 'snaps' in my application. I
don't know if that's the standard nomenclature, so I'll explain briefly what
I mean with that. A snap is basically a sudden transformation of the shape
on the screen to a certain orientation and position in space when it reaches
a certain state in the scene. For example, when a point gets close to a
plane, it gets translated to its projection on the plane [...]"

       What I thought was that the function intersects() would give me a
'warning' when two shapes got close enough. That's what I've thought when I
decided to use BoundingBox. Is there a better way to do that?

                        Thanks for your help, Ulrich.

                                      Renan M Z Mendes
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