Hi Paul,

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 12:39 AM, Paul Martz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, the app requires a model file name on the command line, but appears
> to ignore it in this case ("-1" always loads and displays fountain.osg).
> Probably just an oversight; I imagine the intent was to use scene.get() like
> the other cases.
> Second, and more worrisome, the TrackballManipulator appears to be ignored
> with the "-1" argument. In other words:
> 1) Run "osgcompositeviewer -1 cow.osg" on a dual-screen Windows system.
> 2) Two fullscreen windows open, displaying fountain.osg.
> 3) Use left or right mouse motion in either window; the camera position does
> not change. The view remains static (though the fountain particle animation
> is playing).
> Do you see this on Linux? Is this a known issue?

I do see the same issue.  The scene actually does move, but just very
slowly.  The events are being scaled incorrectly when their are slave
cameras.  This works fine under osgViewer::Viewer, but not yet under
CompositeViewer.  The way that events are managed in CompositeViewer
is rather more complex than in Viewer as the viewer has to work out
which view is active, then redirect and rescale events to views's
particular master camera.  Previously I have tried to fix this
problem, but run out of time.

There is a bug and bug fix relating to picking and CompositeViewer,
but I haven't yet had the time to investigate if this bug or review
the bug fix.  There is chance its related to the above.

I'm afraid CompositeViewer is suffering a bit from me being
overstretched this last year.



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