On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Wojciech Lewandowski
>  > Ok, I did not mean to test the recent changes explicitly, I just did the
>  > test that I did recently, since the issue is hot now. Please look at the
>  > attached modified osgshadow.cpp. It is good to notice that the svn
>  > osgshadow.cpp explicitly sets the threading model to SingleThreaded.
>  I believe that setting threading model to SingleThreaded was not deliberate
>  but was done as a default. Consecutive lines of code check arguments and
>  switch to other Threading modes accordingly.

In the early days of osgShadow it certainly wasn't thread safe.  This
is why the SingleThreaded option is there.

Now I haven't recently reviewed all the osgShadow implemententations
too see if they are thread safe so can't confirm if we can safely do
it yet.

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