Hi J-S,

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
>  IMHO, all examples should have the standard event handlers (Threading
>  mode, stateset manipulator, stats, window size/fullscreen, etc.). Most
>  do, but not all. (I can help with that soon) And if an example doesn't
>  play well with an event handler, the problem should be fixed instead of
>  just omitting the handler...

The intention of the OSG examples is to illustrate different bits of
OSG functionality, the viewer parts are intentionally kept simple so
as not to take lots of lines doing stuff that is not relevant to what
the example is trying to illustrate.    My ideal example has just
three lines setting up the viewer (construtor,assignment,run) with the
rest dedicated to lines of code about creating scene graph elements or

The secondary role of OSG examples is also to act as a unit test, here
adding extra viewer functionality can help with testing, but this is
something we should only add if there is a real need for this extra
functionality, and done on a case by case decision.

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