On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Vincent Bourdier
> I'm not very familiar with threads, and no more with OpenThreads... but I
> learn quickly if I understand.
> But if I need to spend a week to understant and set it, I'd better make my
> stack I think...

Have a read through docs on pthreads as OpenThreads is maps pthreads
functionality quite well, basically providing a C++ wrapper for the
underlying thread implementation and a few help classes on top.

The core OSG has a few further higher level help classes like
osg::Operation and osg::OperationThread that you could use.

A basic grounding with threading in general will help you understand
the issues.  Also do searches through the OSG itself to see how it
uses various OpenThreads classes.

Don't expect threading to come easy though, it's can be a hard topic
the first time you start working on it, so invest the time now you'll
benefit from this for the rest of your career.

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