Hi Paul,

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 12:51 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>The OSG's FBO implementation doesn't yet support anti-aliasing, but it
>>shouldn't be difficult extension to add support for.  I do have this
>>on my TODO list, just unfortunately quite within grasp as I've been so
>>swamped with other work.
> Has this been implemented yet in the latest version of OSG?

Note yet.  There is a submission for adding anti-aliasing to FBO, but
it's written against
OSG-1.2.  I have done a review, but didn't port the work to 2.3.x at
the time as it was non trivial
and I was just swamped with other work.   It's still on my TODO list.
 Feel free to tackle this
yourself if I don't get on to tackling it soon enough.

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