Hi, Robert,
As you know, I'm current doing volume rendering work. Currently I've done a GPU voxelization using FBO but the sawtooth of the images greatly affects the result. So I'm very expecting FBO with anti-aliasing and please let know where the code with OSG1.2? I can have a reference. Thanks.

Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi Paul,

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 12:51 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The OSG's FBO implementation doesn't yet support anti-aliasing, but it
shouldn't be difficult extension to add support for.  I do have this
on my TODO list, just unfortunately quite within grasp as I've been so
swamped with other work.
Has this been implemented yet in the latest version of OSG?

Note yet.  There is a submission for adding anti-aliasing to FBO, but
it's written against
OSG-1.2.  I have done a review, but didn't port the work to 2.3.x at
the time as it was non trivial
and I was just swamped with other work.   It's still on my TODO list.
 Feel free to tackle this
yourself if I don't get on to tackling it soon enough.

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