Hi Shayne,

osgTerrain functionality has evolve alot of the last six months, so
not much is documented about it yet.  VirtualPlanetBuilder has an
option for building databases using standard nodes like
osg::MatrixTransform/osg::Geode/osg::Geometry (which is the original
and still default option) and now the ability to create
osgTerrain::TerrainTile based terrain - you access this via the
--terrain option.

When you use VPB to generate databases you just load the topmost tile
of the database and the viewer and supporting classes will work out
what to NodeKits to load and what threads to start up, you won't
actually need to know the details about the what form the database
itself takes, whether its a convetional geometry based database or a
osgTerrain one.

There are advatanges with a osgTerrain based database though - they
are much faster to generate in VPB, they create small tiles for a
given resolution, the sample density of tiles can be altered at
runtime.  The osgmultitexturecontrol example provides an example of
controlling sample density by decorating the loaded database with
osgTerrain::Terrain node and
controlling its parameters.


On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 10:40 PM, Tueller,  Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519
> Hello,
> I'm new to OSG and I'm looking at the osgTerrain nodekit for terrain
> rendering. My question is, is how is this used with Virtual Planet builder
> (osgdem) for rendering terrain? Is VPB osgdem used to construct the terrain
> database and then osgTerrain used to traverse the terrain in OSG? Is there a
> Wiki available on how to use osgTerrain?
> I've looked at the osgTerrain example packaged with OSG but I can't get my
> head around how it is used.
> Any input would be most appreciated.
> -Shayne
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