Its a a GDAL error.  Try gdalinfo of the problem file.

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Tueller,  Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519
> Robert,
> Thanks much for the info. I will forge ahead with VPB using the --terrain
> option and see where things go from there.
> On a related note, I'm seeing an error when I run through the osgdem step
> guide for building a terrain database.
> After I run the command:
> osgdem --xx 10 --yy 10 -t ps_texture_16k.tif \
> --xx 10 --yy 10 -d ps_height_16k.tif \
> -l 8 -v 0.1 -o puget.ive -a pegout.osga
> I get the following error messages:
> ERROR 1: ps_height_16k.tif: No space to read TIFF directory
> ERROR 1: TIFFReadDirectory: Failed to read directory at offset 537067676
> Any idea why I'm getting these errors? I've followed the instructions to the
> letter...
> -Shayne
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
> Osfield
> Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 2:05 AM
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgTerrain and osgDEM...
> Hi Shayne,
> osgTerrain functionality has evolve alot of the last six months, so
> not much is documented about it yet.  VirtualPlanetBuilder has an
> option for building databases using standard nodes like
> osg::MatrixTransform/osg::Geode/osg::Geometry (which is the original
> and still default option) and now the ability to create
> osgTerrain::TerrainTile based terrain - you access this via the
> --terrain option.
> When you use VPB to generate databases you just load the topmost tile
> of the database and the viewer and supporting classes will work out
> what to NodeKits to load and what threads to start up, you won't
> actually need to know the details about the what form the database
> itself takes, whether its a convetional geometry based database or a
> osgTerrain one.
> There are advatanges with a osgTerrain based database though - they
> are much faster to generate in VPB, they create small tiles for a
> given resolution, the sample density of tiles can be altered at
> runtime.  The osgmultitexturecontrol example provides an example of
> controlling sample density by decorating the loaded database with
> osgTerrain::Terrain node and
> controlling its parameters.
> Robert.
> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 10:40 PM, Tueller,  Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519
>> Hello,
>> I'm new to OSG and I'm looking at the osgTerrain nodekit for terrain
>> rendering. My question is, is how is this used with Virtual Planet builder
>> (osgdem) for rendering terrain? Is VPB osgdem used to construct the
> terrain
>> database and then osgTerrain used to traverse the terrain in OSG? Is there
> a
>> Wiki available on how to use osgTerrain?
>> I've looked at the osgTerrain example packaged with OSG but I can't get my
>> head around how it is used.
>> Any input would be most appreciated.
>> -Shayne
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