On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Art Tevs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Stephane,
> I was pretty sure that this would helps. This is a problem which I have 
> already encountered long time ago during the development of osgPPU.
> The problem is that there exists an apply() method for StateAttributes (e.g. 
> Program) but there is no disapply() method, as I have already asking before 
> in the previous posts.

As replied in previous posts, their is a whole mechanism in osg::State
for managing state, there is no need for a "disapply" as this
automatically comes part of the package.

What we have here is a bug though, the empty geode is breaking the
mechanism for some reason.  Handling GLSL is a bit of oddity due to
the somewhat decoupled nature of Programs and Uniforms, and the lack
of any glEnable/glDisable mode for GLSL.  Perhaps its these oddities
that aren't quite handled correct by the State::apply(..) methods that
manage the lazy state updating, and state reset.

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