
what fun would this list be if someone (lucky me) didn't get to stick their
foot in their mouth from time to time. :)

don't get me wrong:

i think osg is by _far_ the best designed and implemented scenegraph out
there. and robert does the best job at balancing an admittedly difficult
task - incorporating changes from users, his own ideas and designs, and
criticism from all fronts (mine included). i use osg for 100% of the
projects i do work on and would have it no other way.

having been involved with osg since it's inception, i'm both very satisfied
and very critical of it, out of concern that it continues to evolve in
a way that takes care of it's users yet adapts to the ever-changing
graphics landscape. and i do try to contribute to make it better in little
ways here and there.

and so, as an act of contrition (yes, i was raised a catholic child),
i submit my updated 'FindOSG.cmake' which i use to create builds of apps
with osg on windows, linux, and the mac. this cmake FIND_PACKAGE tool will
setup the variable OSG_INCLUDE_DIRS to point to both the generated and
installed source of osg, as well as the OSG_LIBRARY_DIR for the discovered
osg libraries.

i'll post an entire standalone example to submissions later, because i
think having a way for users to build a standalone app would be a useful
addition, especially with the changing build landscape.

sheepishly, (not a scotland joke)

Attachment: Findosg.cmake
Description: Binary data

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