Frank van Meurs wrote:
On Jul 25, 2008, at 11:33 PM, Eric Sokolowsky wrote:

I've been away from OSG for a few weeks (vacations, other projects, etc) but I have some time to get back to it. I'm encountering trouble building OSG with X11 because CMake can't find GL/glx.h. I'm going to keep banging away at this, but if anyone offhand knows how to get CMake to find the file in the right place, please let me know. This header file is needed to compile osgViewer (the library, not the application).

I intend to get this resolved before Robert releases OSG 2.6. I'm also trying to see if the X11 build will support 64-bit, which the Carbon build will not.

I'm wondering as to what the outcome of this was. I seem to encounter the same problem, but I can't figure out how to point the cmake system in the right direction as I don't know which (if there are any) options to set. Looking at my system, there's a few place where GL/glx.h is installed:

The proper place to get GL/glx.h depends on which target platform you're compiling against. If you are compiling against the 10.4u SDK, then the first location (in the list that you found below) is proper. If 10.5, the second. I have implemented a change (not checked in yet, I'm planning on checking it in later today) that will, using CMake, automatically detect where glx.h is located and use that one.

dyn251% locate glx.h

So, apparently, the file missing entirely is not the problem.


Thanks! Frank
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