Filip Wänström wrote:
Hi again, wanted to add that the template xcode "OSG Application" needs to be updated. (and changed if you want it to work right now)

Since I tried the CMake route that creates regular .so files and headers in /usr/local instead of creating mac os frameworks the template need to be changed by removing all the framework linkings. In addition, some of the headers in the precompiled header file is out of date it seems. Introspection and osgSim/OpenFlightOptimizer

I willl change the template so it works with libs and am of course willing to share if anyone want it.

I'm not saying that the template should be changed to using regular libs instead of frameworks in the long run but for the time being that is the easiest way for me to start developing on the mac (and get a homey linux feeling as well..)

I'm not sure what the status is for generating frameworks from the xcode project that CMake creates. Hopeully this is remedied in a not to far future. For now, I'm glad that I can use xcode to create osg projects that works fine.

Yes, for now, the cmake project does not create OSG frameworks. We're working on this. Creating dylibs works fine. These dylibs can be installed on a developer's system or embedded into an application. Since most of the example programs require command-line arguments to run properly, it's not too much of a burden to set environment variables. Once we get frameworks built with cmake the environment variables should not be necessary.

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