Sinisa Kolaric wrote:

I am trying to compile OpenSceneGraph 2.6.1 on Windows XP, but it looks like CMake can't find FreeType in this source snapshot; the resulting VC++ 2008 project thus does not contain a reference to this plugin.
So when I run a sample application (for example osgautotransform.exe), I get a bunch of 
"Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file ...\fonts\arial.ttf", 
simply because osgdb_freetype.dll isn't there - it wasn't compiled.

I downloaded the latest version of FreeType (2.3.8) and added a reference to 
its include source manually in CMake, but the resulting VC project still 
doesn't contain a reference to it. Any ideas? Thanks,

If you're pointing CMake at it manually, you'll also have to tell it where the library file itself is (not just the includes).


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