Hi Robert,

Thanks for the link to the camera.  I tried the mjpeg osgmovie
commandline and it took a number of seconds before the first frame
came up then looked to be working but then eventually stopped update.

Yep, those are my results too. The time to start is not that much of a concern, but it could explain the delay I was talking about (i.e. the plugin/ffmpeg reads X seconds of video to buffer, then plays that while reading more data for Y seconds and eventually catches up to itself and stops). Perhaps the fact that it stops is because it tries to read data too fast, resulting in an error which is not caught and just stops further reading? (just theorizing here, I don't know much about these things)

The media.sav commandline does nothing right now, osgmovie just hangs
without reporting anything.

Same here. Turning up OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL will show that it's trying to read data, and as I said I can see the data light flashing here when that happens, so the camera seems to be sending the data.

I haven't yet looked into the ffmpeg plugin and how it's coping with
these sources, but I am using svn/trunk rather than your suggested
changes that I haven't merged.  Do your suggested changes effect the
end result at all?

Well, it enabled using the rtsp format for reading from the stream (you need to call av_find_input_format with "rtsp" instead of the file extension of "sav"). But from there, the result was pretty much the same. It just looks like the ffmpeg lib doesn't know what to do with the data once it gets it.

Thanks for testing,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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