Hi Gordon,
Good to hear from you.   Thanks for chiming in.
Yea it is a de-optimization or de-normalization.   I dont really care how it is 
Does it makes sense to have a visitor that decomposes the osg PrimitiveSets 
into triangles (GL_TRIANGLES)?
Im really just trying to see if there is an osg visitor class that that already 
does this or see who has had experience with loading osg created dae files into 
GE.   The "GoogleMode" switch on the dae writer leads me to believe that the 
dae writer was designed with the GE use case in mind.   So perhaps there is 
already an existing "path to success" in taking optimized osg content into GE 
via osg dae.   I can't imagine I am the first to try this.  Anyway,  your 
insight is very much appreciated.
If I don't find an existing code path by Monday or Tuesday then I will probably 
code up my own osg visitor.  Any suggestions to point me in the right direction 
great and might get you free beer on your next visit to Texas.  

Have a good day.



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