Hi Robert,
What is the release schedule for OSG 3.0?

I would also love to showcase something based on OSG in Google IO
which is on May 19th. Can you think of an existing OSG demo that can
be ported to GLES 2.0? The motivation behind using Native Client
instead of WebGL is that in addition to rendering you have other stuff
like physics, terrain decoding, etc.


On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Robert Osfield
<robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Alok,
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Alok Priyadarshi <al...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> I am one of the contributors to the ANGLE project. Feel free to send
>> questions/concerns my way. I have been an old-time osg user (since my
>> grad school days) and would love to help.
> Nice to see how exposure to the OSG at university pays dividends to
> the OSG project long term :-)
>> As a side-project I am also porting osg to native-client. Since
>> native-client only supports OpenGL ES 2.0, I have a vested interest in
>> the GLES backend of OpenSceneGraph.
> It'll be great to have native-client support, it's another area that
> I'm very curious about, but alas not yet with the time to dabble.
> Please keep us update on how things progress, and if there are tweaks
> to the OSG that support native-client then just throw out your
> questions/suggestions and we'll see what we can do.
> Do you have thoughts on how long it might take to do the port to
> native-client?  I'm wondering if it'd be possible to roll support into
> OSG-3.0.
> Robert.
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