Hi Alok,

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Alok Priyadarshi <al...@chromium.org> wrote:
> What is the release schedule for OSG 3.0?

I don't have a specific schedule for OSG 3.0, I have set a couple of
feature targets for 3.0 that haven't yet been tackled - the key one
being shader composition.

> I would also love to showcase something based on OSG in Google IO
> which is on May 19th. Can you think of an existing OSG demo that can
> be ported to GLES 2.0? The motivation behind using Native Client
> instead of WebGL is that in addition to rendering you have other stuff
> like physics, terrain decoding, etc.

I don't have any sophisticated demos to hand, but I'm sure we could
put together a few technology demos together if the community pitch in

Such demos don't require OSG-3.0 though, a dev release would be
sufficient.  I would say that I'd very much like to have 3.0 done by
mid May, I don't yet know how practical this is though - it depends
upon how complex shader composition turns out to be, and how much
commercial work I take on.

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