Hi Don,

This is clearly a bug, could you try the  svn/trunk version of the OSG
to see if it's still present?  If so could you provide an .osg file
that reproduces the problem?

As a general note, BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE is bad for performance and
portability, it's there for convenience of backwards compatibility but
it's really not something I would recommend anyone using.


On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 12:34 AM, Don Leich <d...@ilight.com> wrote:
> I know it's slow, but we'd been using BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE mainly for
> backward compatibility for faceted shading and coloring occasionally.
> After our recent upgrade from osg-2.8.3 to 2.9.8 everything rendered
> with BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE is wrong -- bad colors or material properties
> ignored.  Is this change known?  Is there any magic that may make it
> behave?  Am I going to have to bit the bullet and duplicate vertices
> to match the normal per facet I've got?
> -Don Leich
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