It's not just you.

I tested on a Quadro 4000, driver 275.36, Windows 7 64-bit and it does not
work for me either.

I also tried on a GeForce 8800, driver 270.61, Windows XP and it worked


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Jeremy Moles <>wrote:

> Hello folks! Anyone here using the 275 series of NVidia drivers?
> (Doesn't matter what OS, the bug is on Linux and Windows for me...)
> It appears that this driver doesn't understand GLSL arrays anymore. At
> least, not like it used to. Crazy, huh? Yeah, I thought so too.
> I've attached a __VERY__ simple application demonstrating this. If
> anyone has a sec (particularly Mike Wieblen), I'd be interested to see
> if they could compile it and perhaps shed some light on this mystery. :)
> I've been googling and checking the NVidia forums, but so far nothing.
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