On 12/4/2011 6:50 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
I've wanted to rewrite ShapeDrawable to use osg::Geometry internally for a while, but I think Paul beat me to it in osgWorks... :-)

Well, I've made a start. Occasionally I even find time to add to it. Submissions are welcome. :-)

In the context of the rest of this discussion, I'll mention that, some time ago, we all discussed that osg::Material is more than just a wrapper around glMaterial. It also owns glColorMaterial, and this actually makes it a little difficult to enable/disable GL_COLOR_MATERIAL using StateSet::setMode() the way you can with other OpenGL state. In the same vein, it seems that osg::Material also wants to own the OpenGL primary color state (set with glColor). While it might be a fun exercise to go back, rethink all this, and maybe implement a substitute scheme, honestly I'd rather just use shaders...

  -Paul Martz      Skew Matrix Software

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