On 02/28/2012 04:04 PM, Cary, Karl A. wrote:
I would be very interested in this as well. I have been having this
issue for a long time. Our development systems all have one widescreen
monitor at 1920x1080 and then one SD monitor at 1280x1024. If we want to
run a 1280x1024 window on the widescreen as the left monitor, all is
fine. However if you want it to run on the 1280x1024 monitor and it is
the left most monitor, only 75% of the time it's fine. The other 25% go
between showing up on the wrong screen and running at 1280x1024 inside
of a 1920x1080 full screen window.

Hi, Karl,

Sounds like you've got a different problem to me.

My patch is only for preventing the interactive resizing of the window (i.e: by clicking the mouse on the window's border and dragging it).

I've seen problems like you mention before (I'm guessing you're on Linux). Usually, some combination of options to the xorg.conf file can be set to fix it, or at least make it behave consistently. If you're using the NVIDIA proprietary driver, check the driver's README.txt file for a list of options you can set.


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