Quick follow up,

After playing around with the CMake gui for awhile, I managed to get
it to compile a set of static libs. Unfortunately it seems that
OpenThreads is missing from the built libs, and trying to compile a
project that links with osg results in a bunch of errors regarding
missing OpenThreads symbols.

The Playbook runs QNX, which has pthreads. The CMake Configure still
seems to fail the OpenThreads tests (is there anything I can point
CMakeLists to so it'll pass the tests?). I'd appreciate any advice.



On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Preet <prismatic.proj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build OSG for another platform (the BlackBerry
> Playbook). The NDK for the Playbook includes the tool chains required
> to compile libs/apps for the device. It also has OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0
> libs, EGL, freetype, etc. I feel like it should be possible to compile
> OSG for the Playbook but I'm a little lost dealing with the included
> CMakeLists.
> I tried looking at this for reference:
> http://www.openscenegraph.com/index.php/documentation/platform-specifics/ios/23-configuring-cmake-for-ios,
> but I don't understand how to enable/disable certain plugins for OSG
> when configuring with CMake or how to know what's really required in a
> minimal build.
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