After a bit more playing around I'm able to get the linking down to
one error (the previous errors were because of linking in the wrong

error: undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk to

I wanted to make sure I wasn't screwing up static compilation, so I
tried shared libs as well and got the same error message. I have no
idea what this error message means and google wasn't much help (at
least it feels like I'm getting closer!)

* I'm using the latest source from git since 3.0.1 and 3.1.2 failed to
compile against OpenGL ES 2 (for me anyway)
* I set the windowing system to "None" in CMake before compiling (is
that what's causing this issue?)
* Qt is available on the device and I was planning to use
GraphicsWindowEmbedded with Qt's OpenGL context

I'd appreciate some help in figuring out where to go from here.

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