Hi Garret,

I have not worked on Lispsm for long time but description of your problem
may suggest that my method of obtaining main camera and its projection
matrix may not work as it used to or your setup uses unusual multi channel
master / slave configuration that was not tested so far. I am obtaining
main view camera in several places in the code using this construct:


you may check if its still returning the right camera by adding asserts
checking its projection matrix (getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum and check if
near/far/left/right/top/bottom values are correct).

One of the older problems with main camera was use of COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR
flag. You may try turning it off and see if it affects your results.

If above does not help, I will ask you to create simple applet to show your
problem and I may try to debug it in spare time.

Wojtek Lewandowski

2012/8/17 Garrett Cope <garrett.cope....@simcen.usuhs.edu>

> Hi,
> I'm working with the osgShadow LiSPSM implementation as that seems to be
> the one that people have had the most success with. The shadows are great,
> but are being clipped vertically as the shadowing object moves near the
> left or right edge of the window.
> I've seen similar issues in other threads, but have tried the following
> previously suggested solutions with no result:
> - Using one directional light angled at the geometry
> - Tried various values for minLightMargin
> - Set distant MaxFarPlane
> If I comment out the clipping function in MinimalShadowMap everything
> works as expected, but of course I need to clip the shadows for it to be
> feasible.
> The problem seems to be with the calculation of the CullVisitor's
> projection matrix used for clipping, but I have yet to find out where this
> is being calculated so I can see what the problem might be. I'm hoping
> Wojtek or someone more familiar with this plugin can point me in the right
> direction.
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Garrett
> ------------------
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