Hi Robert,

This is a super-delayed follow-up but I've finally circled back around to this 

Using the standard osgshadow example I can reproduce the general problem I'm 
having (shadows being clipped prior to the edge of the screen) by running with 
the following parameters:

osgshadow --directionalLight --light-dir 0.969358 -0.218775 -0.111722 
--noUpdate --vdsm -3

Then if you hit '3' to change navigation mode and move the mouse right such 
that the models move towards the left edge of the screen, you will see that 
near the edge shadows on the sphere get clipped out entirely.

This is the behavior that I am seeing in many other instances in my own testing 
and have narrowed it down to the clipping but not made it much farther than 

Any insight you have would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!


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