Thanks for that. I found my answer about an hour after posting this one.

By the way what are the following fields in 
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection :

double                          ratio;
            osg::NodePath                   nodePath;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Drawable>     drawable;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix>    matrix;
            osg::Vec3d                      localIntersectionPoint;
            osg::Vec3                       localIntersectionNormal;
            IndexList                       indexList;
            RatioList                       ratioList;
            unsigned int                    primitiveIndex;

Things like the nodePath, drawable, localIntersectionPoint, and  the 
localIntersectionNormal, I can work out what the are. But what are the ratio, 
ratioList, primitiveIndex, and the matrix? Is the matrix a transformation 

Tony V

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