
I recommend you look into the osgUtil::PlaneIntersector. For each segment
of your line, construct a plane that is orthogonal to the grid. The
PlaneIntersector will generate a Polyline containing all the points in that
plane that intersect the grid.

Glenn Waldron

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 5:24 AM, Valerian Merkling <>

> Hi,
> To make it short, I want to tessellate a line to make it follow a grid.
> On the attached example, the red line on the top is my starting line, and
> I want to add every intersection of this line and a grid as vertex of this
> line.
> The expected result is the line in the bottom.
> I know I can do it with math, but I would like to know if the
> osgUtil::Tessellator can do it for me.
> I looked at the osgtessellate example but it's all about polygons...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Valerian
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