Just some wild guesses:

You might have to enable blending in the state set, and set an appropriate
blend function as (depending on whether your projective texturing is done
in a 2nd render pass or not)

On hardware that does not support opengl border colors
(ARB_texture_border_clamp) in hardware, you might have to explicitly set
the texture's border pixels to a transparent color, turning a 512x512 image
into effectively a 510x510 one.


2016-12-22 16:03 GMT+01:00 Ekaterina Fokina <ekaterina.fok...@tum.de>:

> Thank you your answers!
> Attached there is a printscreen what I get.
> For the terrain I am using lz.osgt and the image for the texture file is
> osg128.png.
> I set the border to transparent, but unfortunatelly it didnĀ“t help...
> Guys, could you please give me a hint how is it possible to relocate the
> projected image on the terrain to a specific location on that terrain?
> I am still confused how to set the texture coordinats uning shaders.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Ekaterina
> ------------------
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> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=69738#69738
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