Hello Ekaterinam,

Thank you very much for your answers!

Sebastian, according to your last answer, does it mean that it is also possible 
to project a texture on top of an object which has some other textures in it? 
Which unit for a texture should then I use?

What I want to realize, is to mark on the terrain a specific area.
The terrain was build with VPB and seems it has alredy some properties and 
textures in it.
The way how I see it I should project a texture on it ( which will mark an 
area). But in all small examples I didn´t find and didn´t manage to have a 
texture on another texture ( that it is still possbile to see both of them).

You might consider using a visitor to check which texture units are already bound, but I guess if the Database is build with VPB, unit 2 is okay for starting. Using a shader you are less bound to which fixed-function texture matrix/coordinates are used.


Thank you!


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