Hi Sebastian,

> Are you planning on using the bump-maps alpha channel, or which alpha do you 
> plan to use.

I wanna to pass a reflectance value to be multiplied by the normal map 
(normNormal in fragment shader) to simulate real situations. For example, a 
steel cube (e.g. reflectance = 1.12) should reflect more than a plastic cube 
(e.g. reflectance = 0.6) for a real sonar. In this case, I need to pass this 
"reflectance" value to shader for each object present in the scene.

> What kind of input geometries do you use? Are the objects with the different 
> reflectances models or can one model have multiple parts with different 
> reflectance values?

Any kind of geometries: cubes, spheres, cones, structures... Initially all 
parts of the same object will have an unique reflectance model.



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