Hi everybody,

I'm tyring to compile your tutorials on the wiki (can't send the links yet, 
this is my second post). I'm having some strange "Segmentation faults" that 
appear some times, disappear other times. I think it may be because these 
examples are rather old (8~9 years).

I'm using the latest Code::Blocks (16.01) for Debian Jessie, with GNU GCC 

Without clear instructions for Linux starters, I first downloaded the 
OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0.zip. Then I unzipped it and tried to compile using 
make/cmake. No success. Then I tried sudo apt-get install libopenscenegraph-dev 
openscenegraph. Not sure if the first is in conflict with the second, or where 
to find the proper libraries, includes, etc.

If you do a FREE, OPEN SOURCE project, I think you should have more Tutorials 
other than Windows and Mac OS. I will post some broken links as long as I'm 

Thank you!


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