-For the sake of my issue, I can't use .dll files.  I need the static library 
files for Win64, be they .lib or .a files, along with the needed .h header 

-Inside my pacman run on 64 bit Windows MSYS2, where do I go to find my static 
library file content for OSG?  Where are the file and directory names that I 
need and am expecting to find?

-If what I seek isn't there as a result of the pacman run from before, is there 
something else similar I can do, via pacman or another MSYS2 command line run, 
in order to get the (compiled and built) static library and header files I need 
to program and run OSG 3.4.X via TDM C++ on Win64, by means of publicly 
available content servers available through the internet?

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