I see your point.. I thought you were talking about the *integratord*.

I never tried it using AR, but in your active-response configuration I see:

> <location>local</location>

It means that OSSEC is going to execute the script in the agent that 
generated the event. So, you must to configure your slack script in every 
agent. I think for this reason Daniel Cid created the integratord. 

I hope it helps.

On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 12:46:36 PM UTC+2, Fredrik Hilmersson wrote:
> Hello again Jesus,
> As I did state, so we're not misunderstanding each other, I do not run the 
> wazuh forked version, but the 2.9.0 OSSEC version.
> This is the configuration settings i've got:
> ossec-slack.sh
> SLACKUSER="ossec"
> CHANNEL="#channel"
> SITE="https://hooks.slack.com/services/...";
> SOURCE="ossec2slack"
> ossec.conf
>     <command>
>        <name>ossec-slack</name>
>        <executable>ossec-slack.sh</executable>
>        <expect></expect> <!-- no expect args required -->
>        <timeout_allowed>no</timeout_allowed>
>    </command>
>     <active-response>
>        <command>ossec-slack</command>
>        <location>local</location>
>        <level>7</level>
>    </active-response>
> Kind regards,
> Fredrik
> Den tisdag 23 maj 2017 kl. 11:08:51 UTC+2 skrev Jesus Linares:
>> Hi Fredrik,
>> this is the flow:
>>    - The integrator reads the alerts from alerts*.log *filtering by 
>>    *rule_id*, *level*, *group *or *event_location*.
>>    - It executes the script using the arguments *hook_url *and *api_key*.
>>    - The slack script send the alert to slack.
>> Clarification: The host specific alerts are sent to slack but the agent 
>>> alerts are being ignored.
>> Review your integrator configuration, maybe you have a filter to get only 
>> alerts in the current host. Share here the config.
>> Regards.
>> On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 10:55:55 AM UTC+2, Fredrik Hilmersson wrote:
>>> Clarification: The host specific alerts are sent to slack but the agent 
>>> alerts are being ignored.


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