Makes me think of pancakes. mmmm...

From: <> on behalf 
of Tony Wright <>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2016 9:32:13 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Looking for work

If you can do everything, you are now a full stack developer. That tells people 
you can do more than build a Web page.

On 7 Jun 2016 11:26 AM, "Stephen Price" 
<<>> wrote:

I've actually wondered about this myself. The roles I go for are the .Net 
roles. Generally speaking, my role is ".Net Developer" due to the C# .Net being 
the main skill required, but its rarely all you do. Javascript is a big 
component these days, and as it's been pointed out, so many client side 
technologies to choose from (most not Microsoft).

So will there come a day where we no longer call ourselves .Net developers? 
There has always been a gap between web developers and .Net developers both in 
skill set and rates of pay. I suspect web developers (technology wise) have 
caught up or are catching up. (in both areas?)

A simple static website is one thing, but an actual web application requires a 
lot of skill. No difference to the backend stuff.

I've also struggled with MVC being the right fit for web applications now. I'm 
working on my own project on the side and what started as MVC is now pretty 
much a SPA hosted in the MVC framework. If I was to start it over now, I'd make 
it an Angular 2 front end with WebAPI (because I know C#) for the backend. Will 
that change down the track? Perhaps the backend could end up something non .Net 
like node or something. Suddenly I'm no longer a Microsoft developer... so what 
do I call myself?



<<>> on behalf 
of Michael Ridland <<>>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2016 9:15:42 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Looking for work

I find it strange that there wouldn't be many jobs with MVC, there must be a 
large amount of codebases still using MVC?


Michael Ridland | Technical Director | Xamarin MVP

XAM Consulting - Mobile Technology Specialists<>


On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Tom P 
<<>> wrote:
Server side code like MVC are my strengths but it seems nobody cares for that 
any more. I'm stuck in 2011 it seems.

On Tuesday, 7 June 2016, Greg Low (??????) 
<<>> wrote:
Hey Tom,

Best to give us a clue on what you think your core strengths are. Then anyone 
that knows of something can let you know.



Dr Greg Low

1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410<tel:%2B61%20419201410> mobile? 
+61 3 8676 4913<tel:%2B61%203%208676%204913> fax
SQL Down Under | Web:<>

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Tom P
Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2016 10:17 AM
To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: Re: [OT] Looking for work

No interviews in three months. I'll look into an Angular cert perhaps then.


On 7 June 2016 at 10:15, Bec C <> wrote:
I had a tough time down there too. Everywhere seemed to want an AngularJS 
"expert" when I was looking. Are you getting interviews or not even reaching 
that stage?

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Tom P <> wrote:
Hi folks,

I've really had a tough time finding work in Melbourne. Getting very desperate 
now. If anyone knows of a junior-intermediate role please send through.



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