>> SQL Functions suck. Oh my, they suck and they are hard to fix and
cumbersome to figure out where perf is bad.

I agree, don't use SQL functions in where clauses, joins or aggregates.
It's ok to use if you have a small dataset but otherwise  steer clear.


*Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes*.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea <corne...@acorns.com.au>

> I'll jump in with my experience (just last year).
> Using EF7 (EF Core 1.0 now?)
> I always disliked EF version but I liked the original Linq2Sql which was
> quite lightweight compared to EF.
>    1. Database design and DTO design is very very strictly monitored and
>    mapping Table > Entity is very strict with only the exact fields required.
>    2. I find EF perfect for most simple reads of data as long as I don't
>    have to join or simple very exact joins. Yes, I know Dapper and PetaPoco
>    but heck, I really don't want to maintain strings.
>    3. Views rule. Whenever we need more complicated data we do it in a
>    view. We can review, optimize and tweak that as needed.
>    4. SPs rock. Same as above, any work that can be moved in an SP is
>    done in an SP (very few scenarios in our case)
>    5. SQL Functions suck. Oh my, they suck and they are hard to fix and
>    cumbersome to figure out where perf is bad.
>    6. And most importantly. SQL is long-term-storage NOT the source of
>    truth. We use Akka and we (now) consider SQL as eventual storage of data.
>    Everything we do is in memory and whenever we have a chance we'll tell SQL
>    about it (mostly so after a restart we can start with the data from SQL).
>    You want to save some settings? Sure, it's in memory and hey sql, here is
>    an update. Want to read a setting? It's in memory no need to ask SQL about
>    it.
> I think EF7 (as I said previous versions were garbage), like every other
> technology can be abused.
> The problem is that it can be abused way to easily.
> Teams use it and abuse it instead of understanding the synergy that needs
> to exist and where the power EF offers should be used.
> My 2 cents,
> Corneliu.
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 9:06 PM, Tony McGee <tmcgee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oh boy, this is a technique I see way underutilised when using EF:
>> *All objects from EF were transformed into new objects for use in the
>> website *e.g. If I just want a high level list of the product categories
>> a customer has purchased, it's far too easily get stuck in a rigid thought
>> pattern due to the object model. It says I need a Customer that has an
>> Orders collection each having a set of Line Items, dollar values,
>> quantities, special delivery instructions, product names, descriptions,
>> packaging dimensions, blah, blah, blah.... NO.
>> Bringing the whole database across the wire and aggregating in
>> application memory is inviting a world of pain.
>> An EF query projection containing the customer id/name and product
>> category name could avoid a huge complicated SELECT * across six different
>> table joins that becomes impossible to index.
>> On 20/09/2016 19:20, David Rhys Jones wrote:
>> I've been working with EF now for a few years,  here's a list of what
>> went wrong / what went right.
>> *Large public Website*
>> *Good:*
>>     No complex queries in EF, anything more than a couple of tables and a
>> stored procedure is called.
>>     All objects from EF were transformed into new objects for use in the
>> website
>> *Bad:*
>>    The context was shared between processes and thusly began to grow
>> after an hour or two, causing a slowdown of EF. Regular flushing solved this
>>   Updates into the database set the FK property but did not attach the
>> object, this resulted in data being correct for a moment, but then
>> overwritten with the original values when the savechanges was called.
>> *Large Multinational Bank - Bulk Processing*
>>    *Good:*
>>        Most processing was done without EF,
>>       The website used EF to query the same data.
>>    *Bad:*
>>        Framework implemented IEnumerable as each interface, thus
>> service.GetClients().Count()  resulted in the entire table being returned.
>> Changing the interface to IQueryable allowed the DB to do a count(*)
>> *Large Multinational,  low use public website. *
>>    *Good:*
>>       EF context is queried and disposed of as soon as possible, leaving
>> the website responsive
>>    *Bad:*
>>      Bad design of the database has resulted in needless queries bringing
>> back data that is not used. All EF generated queries are complicated.
>>      A mixture of stored procedures and EF context is used within a
>> process resulting in incorrect values.
>> I quite like EF, it's efficient to write queries in if you know what is
>> being generated at the database level. I always output the SQL query to the
>> debug window so I know what is being passed to the DB.
>> But if the query is not self-contained and requires a lot of tables, then
>> a specific stored procedure should be used.  However, do not update with a
>> stored procedure if you are using Entity to read back the values. Do POCO
>> updates and read the linked objects and attach them correctly.
>> Davy.
>> *Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes*.
>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:03 AM, David Connors <da...@connors.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 20 Sep 2016 at 13:59 Greg Low (罗格雷格博士) <g...@greglow.com> wrote:
>>>> I often get coy when I hear comparisons with Stack Overflow, Twitter,
>>>> Facebook, Blog Engines, etc. though.
>>>> Most of those platforms are happy to just throw away transactions when
>>>> the going gets heavy.
>>> Also, most of their workloads are read-only and so highly cacheable at
>>> every layer of whatever architecture you choose.
>>> Once you throw consistency and transaction isolation under the bus shit
>>> gets pretty easy pretty quick.
>>> David.
>>> --
>>> David Connors
>>> da...@connors.com | @davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61 417 189 363

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