Off course you're welcome to having your own opinion about Audacity, but
we're many who really are amazed of it, and all it can do with the truck
load of free plugins you can download and use with it.
And speaking of programming personal keys you come to the right tool with
Best regards

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane
Sendt: 15. november 2014 23:02
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Reinstalled Total Recorder

What I'm about to say is my personal point of view but when it comes to
Audacity then I can only say that people just have time to waste.

Yeah sure! its free but all the ucking about that people seem to have to
do to get the thing working when there's stuff like Total Recorder just
sitting there waiting to be part of your software collection and again,
the software doesn't cost a Kings Ransom - even if you get the Video
Edition which I have -.

I haven't played with too many of the add-ons available though I've used
the speech add-on and its not too bad, again cheap at $32 I think it was.

The Editor in the Professional version does a pretty slick hob though
I've changed a few of the keyboard shortcuts to reflect my personal
tasts, changing shortcut keys isn't difficult either.

And finally, You're absolutely spot-on when you talk of the excellent
support from High Criteria, just go onto their web site and look at the
various tutorials and primers, not only on products from High Criteria
but on associated topics such as recording different types of audio etc.

On 16/11/2014 8:44 AM, Aidan wrote:
> Yes, its the best program out there I found. Many people don't believe
> it. Why should many struggle to use complex stuff like audacity if
> this can do such a good job? I understand for advanced stuff you would
> go furder but really this help in so many remarks. I like the fact
> that you can split files in realtime manually. I don't even think it
> can be done with GoldWave. Split by time many programs supports, but
> split manually is something to struggle to find. The skedular is easy
> to use and I like the fact that each dialog that might pup up have a
> copy and debug button so you can send them all the info they need. It
> also have a system as whereby you can save bug info settings to a file
> and stuff so you can send to tech support. There staff is really
> helpful and with such kind of tools they can easyer help you solve
> problems and you can actually get the help you need. I really think
> people should try it before they give it up. If you install it with
> the default settings and don't change the driver moad, then you will
> be fine on most newer systems.
> On 15/11/2014, Dane Trethowan <grtd...@internode.on.net> wrote:
>> I've just reinstlaled this software onto my Desktop, haven't used Total
>> Recorder for absolute ages, I've been meaning to reinstall since my
>> system had a major crash last year bu never got around to doing the job
>> until now, its like having an old friend back when that software is
>> handy to the fingertips and whoever set the price at High Criteria at
>> $35 for the Professional Total Recorder version sure gave us a bartain -
>> if nt a giveaway price -.
>> Anyway to the point, I've been setting up some schedules and other stuff
>> and I note that many of the problems I'd noted in previous versions of
>> the product seem to have been dealt with and I'm sure I'm not the only
>> one to have written to High Criteria either so thanks to those on this
>> and other lists who bothered to give High Criteria excellent feedback.
>> The sluggish menu navigation seems to have been fixed, there was a delay
>> between the time you pressed a navigation key in the menu system and the
>> time the computer spoke, very annoying.

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