Doe aka Marnie (alright if I call you Aka for short?) writes:

>But I find B&W boring. Put some color photos next to B&W photos and my eye 
>will skip right over the B&W to the color

This led me to do some thinking relating to digital.

When shooting film, one makes a cognitive decision to load either colour 
or black and white film into the camera, usually based on anticipation of 
the sort of shots to be captured.

With digital, this decision is made after the shots are made. This 
invites a whole new way of thinking. Framing for colour and framing for 
mono can be totally different. Seeing a result in glorious colour can 
easily dissuade removing the colour to produce a mono picture, in my 
experience. I have done it, but I haven't yet put my thinking cap on and 
gone out specifically  with the intention of shooting 'black and white'.

I suspect as digital makes more and more of an inroads into people's 
photography, we will slowly see mono retreat to museums and art shops? 
Staying on topic, with the Pentax DSLR imminent, and with Optios 
apparently a hot seller, this is something to think about.



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