
I am given the opportunity to buy Epson 2450 scanner (flat bed, but
seems to be the only reasonable one for scanning the film) for $250.
It is about one year old, one owner.

My questions would be:
1. Is it a fair price? What is a fair price?
2. What is the potential points of total failure of this unit?
3. How long usually flat bed scanners work before they have to be

My purpose of using it would be to eliminate process variable of lab
scanning my negatives, and doing the job myself. Time to time I would
scan documents, thus making my home PC into complete copier/fax

Your help is very much appreciated.

P.S. A moment ago by mistake I've posted it from my other account that
is not registered with PDML, obviously <bg>. So you might get two very
similar messages from me. I apologize for that.

Boris Liberman

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