Yes.  I have no Idea since prices can be all over the place,
if she doesn't know what it's worth the question becomes how
big a pirate do you want to be?

The M version is slightly less desirable than the original
smcp, but I like the M.

At 05:25 PM 2/11/2003 -0800, you wrote:
Hi all,

Today I was in my local candy store, er, camera shop,
looking at their used K mount offerings, when a lady
comes in and wants to sell the above referenced lens.
She was going to get advice on pricing, but I had to
leave.  I did not even know Pentax made this focal
length in the K mount.

Is this lens worth pursuing?  I already own the SMC-A
100 F2.8 & the SMC-M 135, F3.5 and the SMC-A 135 F2.8.

What would be a "good" price to offer her for this
lens if it is worth acquiring?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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