Peter Alling wrote:
> To fungi everything is nutritious, I'm not kidding.

I understand the thrust of your comment, but please see below...
> At 09:07 AM 2/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >Mike Johnston said:
> >
> > > Just don't store it near your other lenses. Fungus is "contagious."
> > >
> > > If it's truly "full" of mold (fungus), then the coatings and the elements
> > > have probably been damaged (etched). This can't be fixed. Well, it can be,
> > > but not cost-effectively. If it has slight traces of fungus, you can pay to
> > > have it cleaned and hope for the best. (Cleaning is no guarantee that
> > > fungus won't return.)

> >Fungus needs something to eat.  Are lens coatings nutritious?

May I humbly suggest, all fungii care about is something to grow ON?
So long as they can find a growth base, and are able to spread out,
they are then free to take nutrients from the air, lens cement or
whatever else they eat....

I'm going to have to look into this, see what it is they DO eat!
Might be an interesting project!

keith whaley

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