On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> chris posted:
> > On the subject of weird eyes, a friend of mine can tell which eye she is
> > looking out of.  I'm not sure if they're spaced further apart than normal,
> > or if she just has trouble focusing them properly, but she says that she
> > sees things from two slightly different perspectives... almost like
> > looking through binoculars that aren't lined up precisely.  She can't find
> > those hidden 3D images to save her life.
> It's called monocular vision, and a few years ago I would have gone
> ballistic seeing this described as "weird." (But I've grown up a lot
> since; developed a thicker skin, I guess.) It's the way I've viewed the
> world for the better part of four decades now.

Sorry, I didn't mean "weird" in a derogatory sense, just in the sense of
"other than the norm."  I've never heard of monocular vision before, but
it actually sounds pretty cool.  I'm trying to imagine what it would be


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