Saddam Husein was not a Marxist. I have actually read Carl Marx books. Most
people who seem to have an opinion about marxism have not.
What Marx did was analyses of the capitalistic economy. Not much else. He
and Friedrich Engels  adviced the working man to unite - to form unions to
protect their interest agiainst the factory owners, the government, banks
etc in the Communist Manifest 1848. What he said then, is today a very
natural thing in most democracies. Sertainly not in Iraq. (I am a member of
a union for architects - all the people I work with are union members too).
Stalin was a fascist dictator (a military general, who lead the Soviet Army
for Lenin, during the Russian revolution against the Zahr-regime - not much
different from the late regime of Saddam Hussein). Stalin was NEVER a
socialist. Sertainly not a democratic leader either. In fact he did anything
he could to kill off all believers of the socialistic ideas, inside the
USSR. Stalin simply took a socialist facade to gain and preserve power. As
did many other fascist dictators, Adolf Hitler included.
Jens Bladt


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Sendt: 23. marts 2004 14:28
Emne: Re: Re: My own DOF confusion

> Fra: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> DagT:
> Yes, he is a Marxist.  An avid follower of Hitler & Stalin.

Interisting view.  In our part of the world Hitler is put on the extreme
right, even though he used the term socialist in the name of his national
socialist party.  He was never a Marxist, he even killed a lot of marxists,
and for your information: there are lots of differenses between socialists
and marxists.

Stalin is more difficult, you may say that Stalin misused an ideology to
make a totalitarian system, but there are people on this list who knows a
lot more about that.

To me is seems that you have the rather simplistic solution to put anything
you dont like on the other side of the scale, but this is too OT for this
list.  So I stop here.


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