Hi Bob
thanks, I have 2 books of John Hedgecoe, not new but got them used each for
the equivalent of a roll of film
I buy a lot of photographic books, I really start to collect some titles
(Photo Porst "Fotorat" and Agfa brochures for example). I must have more
than 100 by now, mostly old ones back from 1930-1985 ;-)

>>Well, I can't think of anyone more famous than the Beatles with
>>any camera,
>>but John Hedgecoe uses a Pentax on occasion and you can see him with his
>>If you are a Pentax person and you don't own his "New Book of
>>shame on you. Go right out and buy one before you buy your next
>>lens - even
>>before you buy another roll of film or SD card..

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