Don Sanderson wrote:
Hi Mike,

The brassing and other flaws don't bother me at all,
I intend to use this one and not display it.
I have 3 "dead mint" black bodies (KX, K2, ME Super)
that I can't bring myself to use for fear of being
the one to cause that first scratch.

I agree that it's not a 9, but then I have a Nikon
F3 that's more brass than black that I consider
gorgeous too.
"Eyes of the beholder" and all that! ;-)

In common with quite a few other posts (I thought it was quiet yesterday) this didn't turn up in my mailbox until about 14 hours after you wrote it. I was concerned that you thought you had bought a nearly mint example. It's a good deal for the price, even factoring in a CLA. I'm not jealous at all. No, not me. Never.

I have a winder cap I got with a box of odds and
ends that's marked "LX?", we'll see if it really is.

In the manual, it insists that the other end has to be in place. I would play safe and do that one, too. Er, what other odds and ends do you have?...... 8-)


-----Original Message-----
From: mike wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: I'm a VERY BAD boy!!!

Don Sanderson wrote:

Lookie what...... I ......just .......did!

Gonna be selling a few things real soon.
But ain't she gorgeous?

Er, no. Nice but not a 9 in my book. Missing covers (one of which you will _have_ to replace before use), well scratched and brassed and with that excrescence cut through the leatherette, it is well below that.

But you're going to use it, not look at it, right?


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