
1 (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by
personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing
facts : historians try to be objective and impartial. Contrasted
with subjective . • not dependent on the mind for existence;
actual : a matter of objective fact.

2 [ attrib. ] Grammar of, relating to, or denoting a case of
nouns and pronouns used as the object of a transitive verb or a

1 a thing aimed at or sought; a goal : the system has
achieved its objective.

2 ( the objective) Grammar the objective case.

3 (also objective lens) the lens in a telescope or microscope
nearest to the object observed.

objectively adverb
objectiveness noun
objectivity noun
objectivization noun
objectivize verb


ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from medieval Latin objectivus, from
objectum (see object ).

On Mar 13, 2006, at 9:27 AM, Jens Bladt wrote:

Don, in your language - as well as mine - the word objektive means lens. In Danish a lens (linse) is just one (1) lens element. "Objective" as opposed
to "Ocular".

In English, however, I belive objective means something like Goal.

My objective is to publish and sell excellent photographs.
I prefere using lenses from Pentax.

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