On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

On Mar 15, 2006, at 9:32 AM, Tom C wrote:


It's not really a flare issue with the lens though... the flare is a factor of the way it was used, right? IOW, any lens will exhibit a degree of flare under the right circumstances.

Ah, the joys of Canonware :-P

although it shows up quite visibly in the image file. Shading the lens with my hand, if I'd seen it was flaring like that, would have solved this particular problem.

This is on the right-hand side, where the shutter release also is. Timer? Remote release?

The Kalt 1" deep metal lens hoods that I use on other lenses in this focal length range won't fit the FA31 due to the fixed hood being in the way.

I have the Soligor 100/2 which features a built-in hood. Even though retractable, it is still a pain (caps being the main problem). And it's short. Bad idea, if you ask me...


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